Training Needs Inventory (TNI)

Working toward Planner Certification?

Need specific NRCS Training?  

Make sure you fill out the FY25 Training Needs Inventory (TNI)!


What the NRCS TNI is:

The TNI is a tool for CTD to help advocate for CD staff seats in NRCS trainings.  When you fill out the TNI, you give CTD valuable data to share with NRCS to help make the case for putting resources towards the courses you need.

It is also a tool for prioritizing the often-limited available seats in NRCS courses.  Priority is given to those who request a course on the TNI, to those who need courses towards planner certification, and to those for which a particular course is one of the few remaining towards certification. 


What the NRCS TNI is not:

The TNI is not an official registration, it is not guaranteed seat in the course, nor is it a commitment from you to attend a particular course. 


How the NRCS TNI process works:

Each year in early summer, NRCS requests its staff to fill out the NRCS TNI.  They use that information to guide what courses to offer in the coming year.  Because CD staff need many of the same courses, CTD sends out  the same survey concurrently for CD staff.  All results are compiled, and those courses with the most requests are scheduled into the next year.   Having this data showing the need from CD staff for NRCS trainings is vital to ensuring that important courses are held, and that seats are available for CD staff.  In late fall, NRCS releases its Training Bulletin, the official list of courses that were approved and will be held through the coming (federal) fiscal year.

As course details are solidified and their dates approach, the responses in the TNI are used to create initial course rosters.  First priority for available seats goes to those who have requested it on the TNI.  If additional seats remain, we open it up to everyone via a CTD GovDelivery announcement (make sure you are signed up to receive CTD newsletters!). 


Thank you in advance for completing the FY25 TNI - your responses will help guide course offerings in the coming year. 

You may return and update your entry at any time.

Questions?  Please contact Jan Thomas, CTD Training Coordinator, at  Thank you!