New Employee Resources
Welcome to the Conservation District family! Below are some resources to help get you started and on your way:
Enter your new position information into the WA Conservation District staff database to receive information, share expertise, and track training.
New Employee Check List Examples and Templates
Have Smartsheet? You can access the new employee check list and customize it for your District HERE.

New Employee Checklist (PDF)

New Employee Checklist (Excel)
New Employee Video
Ray Ledgerwood gives an introduction to the Conservation District world to new supervisors and employees.
Introduction for new employees from the virtual WADE 2020 Conference. This is an orientation to the workings of Districts and roles of employees in achieving local conservation success including finding resources on the CTD website.
Having an understanding of your liability in the planning process, how far you can go in assisting landowners with permitting, and when you need to do a cultural resources assessment, is vital to sound planning. Learn where your limits are and how to protect yourself and your District from undue liability.
For WSCC Page Link, click image above.
WSCC Video Orientation for Conservation District Supervisors and Staff
The WSCC has put together a series of three helpful videos to help get new staff oriented to the Conservation District role. The three videos include:
Module 1: Overview, History, Mission, and Principles
Module 2: Governance and Operations
Module 3: Partnerships
The ABCs of the Conservation World
Partners & Related Organizations
DOE, ECY, or Ecology: Washington Department of Ecology
Local & WCC
CASP: Critical Area Site Plan
EAGL: Ecology’s Administration of Grants and Loans system; for submitting reporting and billings for DOE grants
EOC: Evidence of Coverage; a certificate we get from our insurance or contractor's insurance to document coverage
PDP: Personal Development Plan
PPE: Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. gloves, eye protection [eye-pro], ear protection [ear-pro], safety vest)
Shellfish Program: A Conservation Commission grant that provides funding for restoring waterways important for shellfish
SMST: Smartsheet
State Organizations
ESRP: Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program, a WDFW program that provides funding and technical assistance
SRFB/SRFBoard (pronounced “surfboard”): Salmon Recovery Fund Board; a funding source for conservation efforts linked to salmon populations
WADE: Washington Association of District Employees; educational symposium that IP and other staff members attend annually
National Organizations
CRP: Conservation Reserve Program
CREP: Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program; a part of CRP
CWA: Clean Water Act
303(d): A section of the Clean Water Act that authorizes the EPA to assist states, territories and authorized tribes in listing impaired waters and developing Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for these waterbodies
TMDL: Total Maximum Daily Load; a plan for restoring impaired waters that identifies the maximum amount of a pollutant that a body of water can receive while still meeting water quality standards
NGPA: Native Growth Protection Area; disallows raising livestock, farming, recreation, structures, dumping, or any other environmentally detrimental activity on its grounds
NRCS: Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA