NRCS Planner Designation
USDA NRCS Planner Level Certifications
NRCS Planner Level Certifications and Requirements
Questions about the NRCS Conservation Planner requirements? Email Jan Thomas at to get your questions answered.
The United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (known as "USDA NRCS," "NRCS," or "the agency" as referenced hereafter) provides planner designations/certifications relative to the discipline of Conservation Planning as noted in the agency's General Manual Title 180, Part 409 Conservation Planning Policy. These planner certifications are independent of the CTD Specialty Planner Certification process, but importantly form the core competencies and foundations necessary for pursuit of any of the CTD Specialty Planner Certifications. It is encouraged that prior to submitting a CTD Specialty Planner Certification that you complete at minimum a USDA NRCS Level 1 Planner certification.
NRCS Conservation Planner Designations are at four levels, and each has it own curriculum of required training and experience. Level 1 forms the foundation for pursuit of any additional NRCS Planner Levels. Trainings include AgLearn online courses, on-demand webinars offered through the Conservation of Natural Resource Webinar Portal, in-person trainings provided by NRCS on a rotating schedule that require space be dedicated for you to attend, and on-the-job training ("OJT") and specific skills related to the staff member's job roles and responsibilities.
As a brief summary, these four certification levels are:
Level 1 (formerly known as Apprentice Planner) See Requirements - This planner certification forms the core competencies for beginning planners but still requires oversight from Level 3 or 4 planners to accomplish a complete RMS (Resource Management System) conservation plan. This certification can be completed entirely online both with an AgLearn account and with the use of the on-demand webinars offered through the Webinar Portal.
Level 2 See Requirements- The Level 2 planner designation falls into alignment between Levels 1 and 3 so Levels 1 - 4 are in a linear progression that build on each other. Conservation Planning Part 2, and three online Water Quality courses (previously in Level 1 and Level 3) were used to form the Level 2 designation.
Level 2 planners can achieve specialties (i.e. Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) specialty) to certify component plans within the scope of their specialty.
Level 3 (formerly known as Certified Conservation Planner) See Requirements- This planner certification builds on the Level 1 and 2 coursework. After completing Level 3 requirements, Level 3 planners can write and certify conservation plans and may also add/carry specialties to certify component plans.
Level 4 (formerly known as Master Conservation Planner) See Requirements- This planner certification is for those whose job duties require complex planning situations to be addressed with experience, knowledge, skill, and ability to do so with minimal supervision. Additionally, this role focuses on mentorship of other planners through the training of others and conducting state-level reviews. Additional coursework both online and in-person is required that is often tailored specifically to unique challenges on both a regional and state level.
Specialty Certifications-Specialties (i.e. CNMP) can be added to your planner designation once you are at least a Level 2 planner.
NCRS CNMP Specialty – See Requirements.
Additional Resources
NRCS Training Plan/PDP Upload to AgLearn
Learn how to upload your NRCS Training Plan, otherwise known as a "PDP" for partners like conservation districts and "IDP" for NRCS employees, into AgLearn.
Load, Track, and Print PDP in AgLearn
Did you know that you can self certify all of the webinars and on the job training (OJT) requirements right in AgLearn and keep track of your progress towards NRCS certification?
You can now load the entire planner designation curriculum (i.e, Level 1, Level 3) in AgLearn, referred to as a Partner Development Plan (PDP), to help you keep track of your progress.
Please note: District staff are not required to take Conservation Planning Business Tool Training (part of NRCS Level 1 designation) UNLESS you have direct access to an NRCS computer AND are entering program information directly into the NRCS system*.
*"Conservation planning business tool training (e.g., Conservation Desktop (State or national course)). Partner or private sector conservation planner (including TSPs) candidates will not be required to complete Conservation Planning Business Tools training if they do not have access to the appropriate NRCS conservation planning application." (409-9, NPPH 180-409-GM, 1st Ed., Amend. 44, Sep. 2019)
NRCS Planner Designation Tracking Template Click Here to Download an Offline Training Plan Template of the course requirements for each NRCS Planner designation. Note that this should not replace the loading of a PDP within AgLearn in order to obtain NRCS certification. Note this is an older template and it may be better to use the current Training Plan Template linked here.
NRCS Requirements for Maintaining Planner Designation
NRCS requires 40 hours of continuing education every 3 years to maintain your planner designation status. See this NRCS Maintaining Planner Role document for more detail. Work with your supervisor and the CD Training Coordinator to ensure completion of these 40 hours of Continuing Education prior to your certification's expiration date in order to avoid having to retake previous planner level courses.
Definitions for Common NRCS Training "Types" within your Training Plan/PDP
AgLearn/Online Courses - Must be taken within AgLearn, online, and will be verified and marked complete within AgLearn as you complete all of the requirements for each.
State-Led or National - These courses are offered on a rotating schedule and as indicated by the NRCS State Office Training staff in coordination with the CD Training Coordinator. If you have a particular in-person state-led training you need to complete your NRCS Planner Designation, be sure to indicate that course on your yearly update to your Training Needs Inventory survey.
S&T Webinars (Conservation Webinar Portal) – These webinars can be accessed through AgLearn and self-certified for completion within AgLearn. If you take the course through the Conservation Webinar Portal, be sure to obtain a certificate of completion then you can go into AgLearn and self-confirm completion.
Proficiency Exams - The NRCS has released Proficiency Exams for some of the NRCS Planner Designation course requirements for the Level 3 / Certified level. Successfully passing these Proficiency Exams in AgLearn will allow an individual to “test out” of certain in-person NRCS courses.
OJT - On the job training. Some of this can be self-certified or in conjunction with coordination by a mentor and the CD Training Coordinator.
Bulletin for Updates to NRCS Planner Designation Process and Naming Structure (2021)
In 2021, NRCS updated the naming and other requirements for its planner designations. Learn more by reading this bulletin here.