ArcGIS Training

ArcGIS Training

Need training in ArcGIS Pro?  

Check out the following courses, available through the MyESRI catalog.  To access these courses, you will need your ArcGIS Online (AGOL) account information.  If you set up your AGOL account with Andrew Phay at Whatcom CD, you were also given access to  If not, please reach out to Andrew to explore your access options. 

Please note that some of the courses in the ESRI catalog have a cost associated with them, but the ones listed below are free.  In the catalog, you can sort for free courses by using the "Maintenance Subscription" and "Free" checkboxes, or click directly on the links below to jump to courses Andrew thought most helpful.

Keep in mind that these courses are fundamentals for general GIS users, not specifically for conservation districts. We are working on a step-by-step guided video training series tailored to conservation district staff - stay tuned!!

If you would like to suggest courses for the list below, please let us know.  If you have any questions about GIS please feel free to contact Andrew at


GIS Fundamentals

ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro Learning Plans (some of the above classes grouped into a learning plan)

ArcGIS Online