Enviro Permit Training
Environmental Permitting on Working Lands Training
Have you ever felt unqualified to have a conversation with your landowner on permit requirements for a conservation project? This four-day web training April 13, 14, 20, 21, 2021 brought to you in partnership by the CTD and NRCS, provides a wealth of information on the regulatory and permit process required to implement conservation actions on aquatic lands including streams, rivers, wetlands, floodplains, and forestlands. Presentations increase awareness of NEPA, SEPA, Federal, State, Tribal, and local permit processes.
The target audience includes Washington Conservation District, NRCS, and other agency staff involved in planning and implementing conservation actions on private and Tribal land. A basic knowledge and understanding of NRCS planning process and programs is needed.
Training Event Materials
DOE Permit Project Questionnaire Tool - The ORIA Project Questionnaire (OPAS) is a tool developed by the Department of Ecology (Ecology) to help you determine which local, state, and federal environmental permits, approvals, or licenses for Washington State you will need for your project based on an online questionnaire process.
Course Case Study Exercise:
JARPA Handouts:
Permit Flowcharts:
Short Guide to Using Categorical Exclusions
Training Presentations
Pick and choose or watch all the videos in order to recreate your own permit training!
Conservation Planner Role in the Permit Process - Rachel Maggi, NRCS; Renee Hadley, Walla Walla CD (Presentation PDF) - Learn how the permitting fits within the 9-Steps of Conservation planning and the do's and don't for NRCS and CD planners.
Scenario Recap - ORIA Website - Rachel Maggi, NRCS - Provides results of the ORIA questionnaire process.
Defining Roles and Responsibilities when Working with Federal Agencies - Rachel Maggi, NRCS; Dan Grosboll, WFWS; Grant Smith, NRCS (Smith Presentation PDF, Grosboll Presentation PDF) - Part One: Provides description of what constitutes a federal action that triggers NEPA and Section 106 Cultural Resources. Part Two: Learn the basics of Section 7 Endangered Species Consultation for Federal Actions that May Effect Federally listed species.
Overview of Permits: Federal, State, Local, Tribal - Rachel Maggi, NRCS (Presentation PDF) - Gain understanding of multiple permit pathways and interrelationship between permits.
Compliance with NEPA - Jenifer Coleson, NRCS (Presentation PDF) - Understand various forms of NEPA compliance when implementing a federal action
The SEPA Process and You! - Cindy Anderson, ECY (Presentation PDF) - Gain an understanding of the SEPA Checklist, public comment, and consultation process.
JARPA: What is it, where to get it, how to use it - Rachel Maggi, NRCS - Learn where to find the JARPA, understand the Authorized Agent Responsibilities, and gain an overview of the form's content.
Working Within Tribal Entities and Within Reservation Boundaries - Nicole Rasmussen, Quileute Tribe; Jacob Turner, Spokane Tribe (Presentation PDF) - Two Tribal Natural Resources staff decscribe the benefits of coordination with Tribes during the planning phase of your project.
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) NEPA Compliance -Jacilyn Snyder, BIA; Anna Schmidt, BIA; Eirik Thorsgard, BIA (Presentation PDF) - A deeper dive into the NEPA process that explains the content of an Environmental Assessment.
Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program - Randel Perry, USACE (Presentation PDF) - Learn the basics of the USACE Regulatory Authority under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act & Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.
401 WQ Certification, JARPA and CZM Overview - Loreé Randall, ECY (Presentation PDF) - Best viewed following Randel Perry's presentation. Learn the connection between Section 404 and Section 401 of the Clean Water Act and how to be successful in your permit acquisition
Fish Habitat Enhancement Projects and No Rise Analysis - David Radabaugh, ECY (Presentation PDF) - Learn how local jurisdictions (County and City) are tied to implementation of FEMA's Special Flood Hazard Program and the difference between the rules for work in floodplains versus floodways.
HPA, streamlined fish habitat, fish screens - Casey Costello, WDFW (Presentation PDF) - Take an entertaining journey through the eyes of a past Area Habitat Biologist to learn how WDFW regulates activites to protect fish life in Waters of the State.
Intro to Forest Practices and Regulation Assistance - Todd Olson, DNR (Presentation PDF) - A brief look at permitting requirements under the Forest Practice Act. Riparian Management Zones are discussed.
State Owned Aquatic Lands, Hugo Flores - DNR (Presentation PDF) - Learn the history of one of Washington's oldest laws and how it may apply to state owned aquatic lands and navigateable waters.
Panel: Local Permits and NRCS Conservation Practice Implementation - Ryan Williams, Cascadia CD; Renee Hadley, Walla Walla CD; Derek Haan, Snohomish CD; Nicole Rasmussen, Quileute Tribe (Rasmussen Presentation PDF) - Hear from a variety of seasoned conservationists from across WA State on how they successfully, or sometimes unsuccessfully navigated the permit process.
Course and Scenario Wrap-Up - Rachel Maggi, NRCS - Final overview of the course and how to bring everything together via example of one fo the class scenarios.