Enviro Permit Training

Environmental Permitting on Working Lands Training

Have you ever felt unqualified to have a conversation with your landowner on permit requirements for a conservation project? This four-day web training April 13, 14, 20, 21, 2021 brought to you in partnership by the CTD and NRCS, provides a wealth of information on the regulatory and permit process required to implement conservation actions on aquatic lands including streams, rivers, wetlands, floodplains, and forestlands. Presentations increase awareness of NEPA, SEPA, Federal, State, Tribal, and local permit processes.

The target audience includes Washington Conservation District, NRCS, and other agency staff involved in planning and implementing conservation actions on private and Tribal land. A basic knowledge and understanding of NRCS planning process and programs is needed.

Training Event Materials

Event Agenda

DOE Permit Project Questionnaire Tool - The ORIA Project Questionnaire (OPAS) is a tool developed by the Department of Ecology (Ecology) to help you determine which local, state, and federal environmental permits, approvals, or licenses for Washington State you will need for your project based on an online questionnaire process.

Course Case Study Exercise:

JARPA Handouts:

Permit Flowcharts:

Short Guide to Using Categorical Exclusions

Training Presentations

Pick and choose or watch all the videos in order to recreate your own permit training!