CTD Certification Continuing Education
The CTD Planner Certification Program requires each planner enter into a continuing education program to ensure they are keeping up on the latest and greatest in their planning area.
How it Works
Number of CEUs
You are expected to obtain 40 continuing education units/hours (CEU) every 3 years to maintain your certification.
Qualifying CEUs
Applicable venues for CEU opportunities include AgLearn modules, Science and Technology webinars, certification related conferences, and approved in-person workshops or training sessions hosted by CTD, NRCS, or partners. If a training has not been reviewed by the CTD, it may still be eligible for credits as long as it the topic of the training is relevant and applicable to the certification and the content is presented in a structured format focused on learning.
Credits granted will be based on the amount of time spent in the classroom, workshop or other courses, and do not include travel time or meals. To receive continuing education credits for unreviewed trainings, a workshop/event agenda must be submitted as documentation of the credits earned. All training events accredited by a qualified certification (i.e., CCA), and are relevant to the planning discipline, count towards CEU.
Tracking CEUs
You are expected to track your own CEUs and obtain documentation of completion for your records. You are also responsible for being aware of when your 3-year certification window is coming to a close and submitting your required CEUs via our online recertification form to maintain your CTD Certification BEFORE your 3 years are up.
Training Plan
To help you keep on track and stay organized, you are expected to create and maintain a 1-3 year training plan. For more assistance and templates, check out our Training Plan page.
Recertification Form
You will need to submit your 40 hours of CEUs within the 3 year window of your CTD Certification using our online recertification form.