CTD Training Library

Training Library

The CTD has curated recordings of different webinars, trainings, and learning "curriculums" into categories to help you find what you need. Click on any category below to expand the content. 

Conservation Planning

Climate Resilient Riparian Restoration Workshop 

Held December 10, 2024

Webinar Recording

Presented by Snohomish Conservation District.

This workshop features numerous presentations related to restoration techniques and plant choices for a changing climate, agroforestry, and Traditional Ecological Knowledge.

See the agenda HERE for more information.

Priorities, Challenges, and Opportunities for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Washington

Held Thursday, October 24, 2024 via Zoom

Webinar Recording

Climate-Smart Agriculture Webinar Survey 

Please provide feedback by Nov. 15, 2024 at 5:00 pm (PT) to have it considered for inclusion in this report. This link can also be used to request the final report when available.


Interview Report: Priorities, Challenges & Opportunities for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Washington 

This report completed by KR Creative Strategies is referenced in the webinar.

How can Washington optimize climate-smart opportunities for agriculture? Join the Washington State Conservation Commission, Washington State University, and KR Creative Strategies on October 24th to learn about the contribution that organic and climate smart agriculture makes toward Washington's climate response goals. We'll share project results to date, and work in development on the themes of current priorities, challenges, available resources, and suggestions on future resources to help support climate-smart agriculture in Washington. 

Questions? Please contact Karen Hills, Sustainable Farms and Fields Program Manager, at khills@scc.wa.gov 

The STAR Tool: Simplify and Streamline Conservation Assistance and Financial Incentives 

Held September 24, 2024 via Zoom

Webinar Recording

Presentation Materials

Presented by: Lauren Quackenbush, WSDA Economic Development Coordinator 

This talk is tailored for Washington conservation district (CD) staff and will introduce the STAR Tool, a new program of the Washington Soil Health Initiative. The STAR tool takes a multifaceted approach to identify opportunities for both conservation and funding in a producer’s farm plan. Come learn from STAR Program Manager Lauren Quackenbush about how the tool amplifies the work of CDs, can be integrated into existing CD programs, and how to get involved. STAR is open for grower enrollment in November 2024, and we look forward to hearing your feedback, questions, and ideas prior to its launch. 

Lauren manages STAR as well as other projects focused on increasing the profitability of farming and conservation agriculture. She has 15 years of experience in production farming, in both field operations and management, and understands firsthand the environmental and economic realities facing producers.

Cultural Resources for District Staff Training

Held September 5, 2024 via Zoom

Webinar Recording

Presentation Materials

This Cultural Resource training for district staff will define cultural resources. We will provide examples and discuss why we consider them during planning. This training will also explain WA state law and SCC policies and processes for cultural resources in your SCC-funded projects, review Unanticipated Discovery Plans (UDPs), records management and more!  

Please note: this course is specific to conservation district staff and will not fulfill the NRCS Conservation Planner Level 3 requirements. 

Questions? Please contact Jean Fike, Puget Sound Regional Manager, at JFike@scc.wa.gov 

WDFW High Resolution Change Detection Program  2-part HRCD Training Series 

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is hosting a training program to assist VSP counties using WDFW’s High Resolution Change Detection (HRCD) data to monitor critical areas on agricultural land. This training program will seek to improve VSP counties understanding of HRCD data and support counties with the development and implementation of the VSP monitoring plan.

Anyone interested in learning more about WDFW’s HRCD program is welcome to attend, including local partners, work group members, and GIS staff.  Part 1 is structured for a general audience and Part 2 is geared more towards a technical/GIS audience.  

 Part 1 – What is HRCD -  Held May 13, 2024 

Webinar Recording

Presentation Materials

Overview of WDFW’s HRCD program, data products, and how the data can be used to monitor critical areas. Will also cover the data’s strengths & limitations, including quality control and assurance information counties need to include in their monitoring plans. Potential to include a case study to demonstrate how a VSP county is using HRCD data to support their program needs. Will include time at the end for questions and assistance with individual county needs.

Part 2 – How to Use HRCD Data -  Held June 7, 2024

Webinar Recording

Presentation Materials

Overview of how to use the data and gain the information needed to understand changes to critical areas. We will explore, analyze, and interpret the HRCD data products to help counties answer VSP monitoring questions and build the technical skillset to maximize the use of this data to support their county’s VSP needs. Live demonstrations from the HRCD team. Best for a technical audience with basic GIS skills.

For questions about this training series, please contact:

Sean Williams
Voluntary Stewardship Program Coordinator, Habitat Program
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife


Robin Hale

HRCD Project Manager

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife  


Held April 11, 2024 via Zoom

Webinar Recording

Presentation materials

Join the CTD and Snohomish Conservation District for a webinar on the new Carbon Plan Template! We will share the template and walk through it together, providing details on how and when to use it.

ALL districts are invited to participate in this training and test the template if interested. Comments for revisions will be gathered. At the end of this project, a final template will be shared for use by all Districts.


Questions about the template? Please contact Bobbi Lindemulder at bobbi@snohomishcd.org.

Held via Zoom November 14, 2023 

Facilitator – 

 Presenters – 

Demonstrating the effects of agricultural conservation practices on wetland functions and values is an important component of many county and conservation district monitoring efforts, particularly for counties participating in the Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP).  This virtual session will cover a variety of approaches used to assess wetland functions and values with an emphasis on applications to watershed-scale monitoring and VSP.  During this informational session we will cover the following topics:

Soil Carbon Science 101

Presented on October 6, 2023 via Zoom

Carbon has been getting a lot of attention in agriculture these days. You may have heard terms like “carbon farming,” “regenerative agriculture,” or “climate smart practices” to describe farm management that sequesters carbon and mitigates climate change. This exciting movement has led to new policies, programs, and funding for farmers and farm advisors. It has also led to some confusion over what is possible or practical to achieve.

In this webinar, Dani Gelardi of the Washington State Department of Agriculture will provide an overview of soil carbon in agriculture, with an emphasis on our current scientific understanding. Dani will attempt to answer the questions:

What is soil carbon?
How is it accumulated and stored?
How is it impacted by agricultural management?
Why is it so difficult to measure?
Why is it so important for climate change mitigation and adaptation?

Helping Agricultural Landowners Make Decisions about Solar with American Farmland Trust

Presented on June 6, 2023  via  Zoom

Webinar Recording

AFT Presentation Slides

Recent years have seen a rapid expansion of solar energy development in Washington State, particularly east of the Cascades. American Farmland Trust (AFT) anticipates that by 2050, up to 80% of this solar energy development could occur on farm and ranchland. As a result, solar has become a controversial topic in our rural communities, with many divided on when and where solar should be allowed. Against this backdrop, one thing remains clear: farmers, ranchers, and agricultural landowners are on the front lines when it comes solar energy development in our state. If and when they are approached by solar developers, landowners need access to unbiased resources, information, and support to help them make the best decisions for their families and their land. Conservation professionals are often relied upon to support landowners in evaluating their options and making tough decisions. With these needs in mind, AFT recently released “Solar Leasing: A Guide for Agricultural Landowners in the Pacific Northwest.” Join this webinar on June 6th to learn more about AFT’s new guide and other ways to help landowners navigate the pressures of solar energy development in their communities.  

Info Session for Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework (ACPF) & Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) 

Presented on May 30, 2023 via Zoom  


SCC and CTD host a webinar with colleagues from NRCS’s Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) and the Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework (ACPF) group.  The webinar will introduce and summarize lessons learned and best practices from multiple watershed scale monitoring efforts conducted by CEAP across the US; and approaches and frameworks used by the ACPF to assist conservation districts, NRCS staff, and other partners with planning, prioritization, monitoring, and outreach at the nexus of agriculture and ecosystems.


More about CEAP:

“CEAP provides assessments and associated conservation outcomes insights for multiple land uses and conservation goals. These assessments empower a diversity of customers to evaluate conservation successes, identify potential improvements, and set targeted, measurable goals for the future.”


More about ACPF:

“The Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework (ACPF) is a free ArcGIS toolbox that leverages high-resolution geo-spatial data to help local farming communities better address their soil and water conservation needs. The National Hub for the Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework is focused on serving NRCS offices and supporting partners across the US to implement the use of ACPF in conservation planning processes on multiple scales. The National Hub is composed of several partners including: The Conservation Professional Training Program, Iowa Water Center, Iowa State University, Minnesota Water Resources Center, North Central Region Water Network, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension.  ”


Questions and comments may be directed to: Levi Keesecker, lkeesecker@scc.wa.gov | 360-789-3650 or  Jan Thomas, jan@ucdwa.org | 509-637-7004.

COMET-Farm General Introduction and Cropland Demo
Presented on April 18, 2023
Cropland - Data entry COMET-Farm 

For managers of SFF projects and other interested CD staff.  Haley Nagle, Outreach and Education Specialist for the COMET-Farm Team, will introduce use of the COMET-Farm tool
and show how to create a cropland project on COMET-Farm. Note that this training is focused on cropland projects. For those SFF project managers with livestock or agroforestry projects, please register for one of the monthly trainings offered by Haley on these topics https://comet-farm.com/HelpPage.   

Please watch the 15-minute introduction video before attending: COMET Farm & COMET Planner Introduction Presentation

Presented on March 14, 2023

Presentation Materials

Learn all about how to interpret soil tests in this webinar hosted by CTD. Dr. Dani Gelardi of the Washington State Department of Agriculture will discuss how soil testing has changed over time—to become more comprehensive, but also more confusing! She’ll help us navigate the brave new world of “soil health” by going back to the basics. Why is it still so crucial to measure soil pH, soil texture, and soil organic matter? How can these building blocks help us understand new measurements of soil biological and physical properties? Come discuss the answers, learn some best practices for getting and interpreting quality laboratory results, and stay for the Q&A.  

 Presented on February 17, 2022 

Please join us as SCC Scientific Policy Advisor  Alison Halpern reviews the current draft programmatic guidelines for this new voluntary incentive program, which will help farmers, ranchers, and shellfish growers increase implementation of climate-smart practices to increase carbon sequestration and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Presenters: Nichole Embertson, Whatcom CD; Laura Redmond, King CD; Addie Candib, AFT

Proper manure management is an important practice for animal operations that can provide a valuable resource for land managers while protecting water quality and enhancing soil health.  Manure management practices, particularly those that contain and control manure runoff, protect water quality by retaining valuable nutrients and preventing transport to surface and ground water resources.  American Farmland Trust, King Conservation District, and Whatcom Conservation District’s Washington Discovery Farms® program collaborated on a project in the South Puget Sound to assess and promote the best management practice (BMP) of on-farm dry manure storage for water quality protection. 

Presented on September 23, 2021

Presenter: Michael Hipp, Snohomish CD

Keeping a horse - housing, feeding, providing room to exercise and be a horse - is not only challenging, but can be very expensive and challenging on small acreages typically adjacent to waterways, in western Washington. Horses are non-native creatures introduced to our soils and landscape in the 1700s, and their impact on the ecosystem is widely felt. Sound Horsekeeping is a program from the Snohomish Conservation District to help people not only mitigate those impacts but to do so in a way that is of benefit to the horse and the human. Find out what the program is, how it is done, and why it is needed, now more than ever.  

Presented on July 15, 2021

You may have missed the training, but the presentations and videos posted HERE!

This four-day web training, brought to you in partnership by the CTD and NRCS, provides participants with a wealth of information on the regulatory and permit process required to implement conservation actions on aquatic lands including streams, rivers, wetlands, floodplains, and forestlands. Participants also gain awareness of NEPA, SEPA, Federal, State, Tribal, and local permit processes. The target audience includes Washington Conservation District, NRCS, and other agency staff involved in planning and implementing conservation actions on private and Tribal land. A basic knowledge and understanding of NRCS planning process and programs is required.

Presented on April 13, 14, 20, and 21, 2021

Presenter: Joel Demory,  WSDA

This presentation summarizes the WSDA Agricultural Land Use Mapping Program including outlining the program origins, purpose, organization and scope of work.  The presentation covered a variety of topics including:

How to access and make the most of WSDA’s mapping data
Examples of how NRAS, WSDA and other statewide entities utilize the data
How the data is used at the federal level
The future of land use mapping

Presented on April 15, 2021

NRCS specialist Marty Chaney will give an overview of how to: use the inventory tools to estimate yields of pastures and other fields receiving manure nutrient applications; properly select nutrient loss/retention values; and complete the WasteCalc spreadsheet and interpret the results used to develop Nutrient Management specifications.



Presented on February 18, 2021

Presenters: Seth Flanders, Spokane CD & Brent Dixon, Kittitas County CD; with Andrew Phay, Whatcom CD

Interested in incorporating drones into your district’s programs or projects but unsure of where to start?  Join us for an overview of how districts around the state are using drone technology in their work, how they’re funding it, and innovations to consider for your own drone program.

Presented on February 2, 2021

Jeanne Dodds from the Endangered Species Coalition explores their Pollinator Protectors campaign goals, scope and funding opportunities for Washington State Conservation Districts. Pollinator Protectors is a national project which provides funds to a wide range of individuals and organizations to support plantings of native, local plant species of benefit to native, imperiled pollinators. In 2021 ESC will continue to expand the benefits of this project by partnering with landowners, farmers, and others to create corridors for pollinators and increase the environmental justice impacts of this work.

Contact Jeanne for more information and grant application: jdodds@endangered.org

Presented on January 21, 2021

Learn more about the work Pierce, King, and other Conservation Districts have been doing with cover crop promotion and on-farm trials. We will share our favorite resources and updates on regional cover crop initiatives like the new Western States Cover Crop Council and the annual cover crop roundtable with WSU, and kick-off a regular meetup group to network CD cover crop enthusiasts working with landowners to promote cover crops.

Presented on  November 19, 2020

COMET-Farm estimates the ‘carbon footprint’ for all or part of a farm/ranch operation and allows you to evaluate different options, for reducing GHG emissions and sequestering more carbon. This two part webinar training provides an introduction to the COMET-Farm (and COMET-Planner) tool and dives into the specifics of how to use the croplands and animal agriculture assessment pieces. COMET-Farm expert Halley Nagel discusses the modeling approach, basic introduction of agricultural emissions within the tool, and engage in a cropland and animal ag demonstration project to help you get started on carbon assessment of your own.

Presented by Haley Nagle, Outreach and Education Specialist for COMET-Farm Team

Presented on October 13 and 20, 2020

Join CTD and Carri Gaines, NRCS WA State Forester and WA State Economics contact, for a presentation on tools to help clients make better decisions.

This webinar will focus on the use of T-charts and partial budgeting as a way to communicate the economic and conservation cost-benefits of individual conservation practices and conservation management systems.

Helpful links:

Presentation slides (PDF)

Presented on Thursday, June 25, 2020

Webinar: Integrated Erosion Tool for ArcMap and Toolkit (Held January 29, 2018)

Link to webinar recording HERE

Link to video on "An Introduction to IET"

Link to IET install instructions HERE

Link to IET lesson plans HERE

IET Download links

Description: The Integrated Erosion Tool (IET) combines the current wind and water erosion prediction technologies into a single interface within Customer Service Toolkit and works as a plug-in to ArcGIS.

The IET is unique by combining wind and water erosion into one interface, and utilizing databases housed within the Land Management Operations Database (LMOD). Through the use of LMOD, a user will no longer need to manage databases for the erosion prediction tools. LMOD is the agency’s single authoritative database for erosion prediction databases.

IET can be used for wind and water erosion predictions for resource evaluation as it contains the current erosion prediction technologies for wind and water erosion used by NRCS. Further evaluation may be needed for designing and installing sediment trapping practices such as contour buffers, filter strips and other similar practices.

WEBINAR: Nutrient Management Considerations in Planning - Training Primer (Held May 16, 2017)

Link to webinar recording HERE

Notes from webinar HERE

Guidelines for NMP Plan Writing Activity

Description: If you are registered for, or considering taking, the Nutrient Management Considerations in Planning Training Primer (aka, NMP Training), you need to review this primer webinar. Course organizers provide you with a preview of the course content and expectations, as well as an overview of the prerequisites. This NMP course will have a new planning component which requires you to have a plan site selected prior to the course and come with specific information about the site. In the webinar, NRCS and CTD course leads will outline what this content is and how to select the appropriate site for success. A Q&A time at the end of the webinar will provide an opportunity to ask questions and clarify requirements.

Questions: Tracy Hanger, NRCS | tracy.hanger@wa.usda.gov 

WEB Training: RUSLE2 and WEPS Overview (Held June 1, 2017)

Link to webinar recording HERE

RUSLE2-WEPS General Info (handout)

RUSLE2-WEPS Data Collection Sheet (handout)

The objective will be to explain the structure, inputs and reports of each tool so that planners will be able to take inventory needed to use the models. The webinar will not be going into detail on how to use the program, this is an overview/refresher and it is assumed the attendee has had a basic training in the tool at some point. If planners understand the inputs and outputs, they can easily collect the data and analyze the reports and then work with other experienced planners to run the tool.

For more information contact: Tracy Hanger, NRCS |  tracy.hanger@wa.usda.gov

Irrigation Water Management

Introduction to Irrigation Water Management and Planning Webinar

 Held March 5, 2024 via Zoom

Webinar Recording 

Presentation Materials

This webinar introduces the principles of Irrigation Water Management (IWM) and its planning. Topics include:

Presented by:

Jon Culp, Water Resources Program Manager, State Conservation Commission and

Harold Crose, Resource Conservationist, Columbia Basin CD

Forestry and Fire

Special guest speakers Rowan Braybrook and Kirk Hanson from Northwest Natural Resource Group (NNRG) present:

For many forest owners, the cost and work associated with improving forest health and resilience can seem intimidating. Understanding the economic implications of timber harvesting is crucial for landowners when making management decisions. NNRG's work and research shows how income from harvesting can make forest restoration treatments feasible and even profitable. We'll cover:

• Taking an ecological forestry approach to thinning for restoration
• Stewardship goals and addressing past forest management
• Economics of thinning and factors impacting profitability
• Financial assistance programs

This webinar is brought to you by the Puget Sound Conservation District Regional Forestry Program in partnership with the Center for Technical Development. If you have questions about the PSCD Regional Forestry Program, please contact Stacey Dixon, Forester at sdixon@snohomishcd.org.

Presented on Monday, October 18, 2021 

World of Wildfire - Post-wildfire Risk Mitigation and Assessment Training

Presenters: Craig Nelson, Okanogan Conservation District, Executive Director; James Weatherford, former Thurston Conservation District Resource Specialist; Bobbi Lindemulder, Snohomish Conservation District, Agriculture Program Director; Leslie Michel, WA Dept of Agriculture, Soil Scientist; Katherine Rowden, NOAA, Service Hydrologist

This 4-day on-line training prepares conservation field staff and others to respond effectively to emergencies, particularly wildfires.  Training includes topics on: Initial CD Response, Community Outreach, Partnerships and Coordination, Landowner Communication, Employee Mental Health, Site Visit Safety, Evaluating Post-disaster Risks, Recordkeeping and Mapping, Area-wide Major Needs Assessment, Prioritizing and Implementing Projects.

For follow up questions: Craig Nelson - 509-422-0855 x 110

Presented on: April 13-16, 2021

Presenters: Ashley Blazina, DNR and Jennifer Watkins, DNR

Washington Department of Natural Resources is developing an online data sharing platform called Forest Health Tracker, and would like the early input from key partners that we hope will use and benefit from the system! The Forest Health Tracker is a tool designed to compile data and information on forest health projects across all lands in Washington, so that partners can be more aware of past and planned projects in and near their jurisdictions, as well as track the progress of complementary projects and programs. Jennifer Watkins and Ashley Blazina from DNR’s Forest Health & Resiliency Division provide a demonstration of the tool and answer your questions.

Presented on: May 4, 2021

Presenter: Andrew Spaeth, WA Department of Natural Resources

DNR recently published the 2020 Forest Action Plan, enabling the state to access millions of dollars in federal funding and identifying forest health priorities for the next five years. The action plan will support critical work across the state – from addressing risk of conversion to ensuring rural fire districts have equipment to respond to wildland fires. Program funding also serves small forest landowners by providing willing landowners with technical assistance. The presentation will share an overview of the Forest Action Plan with a focus on action plan goals and priorities related to the work of Conservation Districts.

About the presenter: Andrew Spaeth serves as an Environmental Planner in the Forest Health and Resiliency Division at Washington State Department of Natural Resources. He works with a team of scientists and planners implementing the Forest Action Plan and 20-Year Forest Health Strategic Plan: Eastern Washington. Prior to joining the team at DNR Andrew worked as the Forest Program Director at Sustainable Northwest, a non-profit based in the Pacific Northwest.

Presented on: Thursday, March 18, 2021


Virtual Meeting and Event Presentation Resources

How to Choose a Virtual Platform for Meetings and Communication - Join the CTD and partners discuss the pros and cons of the top virtual platforms, and how to choose the best one for your District needs. 

Presenter Tips for Creating and Giving a Smooth Virtual Presentation (PDF)

Tips for Creating an Engaging PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)

How to Develop and Deliver an Engaging Virtual Conference Presentation  - What are the best practices for developing a presentation for a virtual conference? How do you engage an audience who can see you but you can’t see them? How do you drill down to the most important message? What if your presentation is pre-recorded? This 90-minute training with Cathy Angell specifically addresses the successful design and delivery of a science-based virtual conference presentation. It covers best practices for slide design, as well as effective strategies for keeping a diverse audience involved and engaged. 

Moderating Virtual Meetings and Events Like a Pro - Moderating You may have attended trainings on how to host or present a virtual meeting or event, but what about moderation? Moderating a meeting is just as (or more!) important for making sure it runs smoothly and highlights the content. Join Kari Quaas from Snohomish CD and Nichole Embertson from CTD for strategies, tips, and techniques for easily moderating a meeting or event like a pro! 

Presenter: Nichole Embertson, Ph.D., Whatcom Conservation District

In collaboration with Washington NRCS, the Whatcom Conservation District conducted two comprehensive NRCS National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI) Watershed Assessments in local watersheds to identify “critical source areas” for strategic implementation of land conservation activities for surface water quality. The watershed assessments provide a means to identify the impacts of critical terrain features and land uses at a HUC-12 watershed level on the potential pollution of nitrogen, phosphorous, sediment, and pathogens to surface waters; and the relative effectiveness of different conservation practices to effect water quality improvement. Lean about the NWQI Watershed Assessment process, how to interpret model outcomes, and ways to focus your conversation planning and outreach efforts for greater impact.

NWQI Fishtrap Watershed Assessment and outreach strategy can he found HERE.
NWQI Wiser Lake Creek Watershed Assessment and outreach strategy can he found HERE.

Presented on: Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Presented: Thursday, December 17, 2020

Planning for and working with landowners on implementing conservation practices is fun, but tracking and displaying the impact of those practices with metrics can be a challenge. This webinar will go over the process of what metrics you may want to track for different purposes, how to do so, and how to display them in an impactful way for different audiences. It doesn't have to be a big leap to go from zero to tracking hero!

No matter the size of your District, having a presence on the web - whether it be a website or social media - is vital to connect with clients and the public. Join us to learn some easy and low-cost ways to create an organized web presence, receive guidance on which platform to choose when, and assess how to increase diversity in your content. Also, learn how to check your website and web materials for ADA accessibility and adapt as needed.

Helpful Links:

Presented: Thursday, October 15

The only thing that is constant is change. We are all adapting programs right now to accommodate current events, and education and outreach is one of the top modifications Districts are making. This webinar will hear successful examples from Districts across the State on their adaption strategies to education and outreach for K-12, multicultural, farmer/landowner/adult, and urban and consumer audiences. Come listen, gather ideas, and connect with Districts doing great things!

Additional resources shared by presenters:

ReImagine WA Ed - https://www.reimaginewaed.com/
Leslie Fisher (Education Technology) -  https://lesliefisher.com/
Kids in the Creek: https://kidsinthecreek.com/
Kids in the Forest: https://cascadiacd.org/kids-in-the-forest_368.html
Clark Farm2go website:  https://clarkfarm2go.com/
Food Systems of New England 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge: https://foodsolutionsne.org/racial-equity-challenge-resources/

Presented on: Thursday, August 13, 2020

Join the CTD and partners discuss the pros and cons of the top virtual platforms, and how to choose the best one for your District needs.

Presented on: Thursday, July 23, 2020

Leadership & Management

Coordinated Resource Management 101 Webinar

Webinar Recording

Presentation Slides



Presented by: Ray Ledgerwood.  Ray brings 40 years’ experience in CRM work with state conservation agencies, state associations, conservation districts, and agriculture organizations across the nation. 

Brought to you by the WA State Conservation Commission (WSCC) and the Center for Technical Development (CTD).  Learn more about CRMs on the WSCC website: https://www.scc.wa.gov/crm.


District Contracting & Procurement Training with MRSC

Thank you all for attending!  You can find presentation materials here for Day 1 and Day 2
You can view a recording of the presentations HERE.

Held in person April 2023 in Wenatchee, WA.

This one-and-a-half day training covered Goods, Equipment, Supplies, Materials (not connected to public works); Services (Purchased, Personal, A&E Professional); Public Works; Intergovernmental Procurement “Piggybacking”; Exemptions to Competitive Bidding; and a dedicated Q&A session day 2.

Facilitation (in-person and virtual) Resources

Effective Facilitation Techniques for Everyone - Join the great Ray Ledgerwood for special 2-day training on practical and effective facilitation skills for planning, facilitating and follow-up to board meetings, local work group meetings, staff meetings, virtual meetings, watershed group meetings, and partner collaboration sessions. This training is for all Washington Conservation District staff and will provide you valuable skills for running better meetings for better outcomes.

Virtual Meeting and Event Presentation Resources

How to Choose a Virtual Platform for Meetings and Communication - Join the CTD and partners discuss the pros and cons of the top virtual platforms, and how to choose the best one for your District needs. 

Tips and Tricks for Creating and Delivering a Virtual Presentation (PDF)

How to Develop and Deliver an Engaging Virtual Conference Presentation  (Video coming soon!) - What are the best practices for developing a presentation for a virtual conference? How do you engage an audience who can see you but you can’t see them? How do you drill down to the most important message? What if your presentation is pre-recorded? This 90-minute training with Cathy Angell specifically addresses the successful design and delivery of a science-based virtual conference presentation. It covers best practices for slide design, as well as effective strategies for keeping a diverse audience involved and engaged. 

Moderating Virtual Meetings and Events Like a Pro - Moderating You may have attended trainings on how to host or present a virtual meeting or event, but what about moderation? Moderating a meeting is just as (or more!) important for making sure it runs smoothly and highlights the content. Join Kari Quaas from Snohomish CD and Nichole Embertson from CTD for strategies, tips, and techniques for easily moderating a meeting or event like a pro! 

Your voice is heard!! The CTD invited all District staff from across the State in join us for our annual work review and feedback session. We provided an overview of all of our activities from FY21 and asked for feedback to our FY22 annual plan of work. If you have further questions or input, contact us: info@wactd.org.

Presented: Wednesday, March 31, 2020

Presented: Thursday, December 17, 2020

Planning for and working with landowners on implementing conservation practices is fun, but tracking and displaying the impact of those practices with metrics can be a challenge. This webinar will go over the process of what metrics you may want to track for different purposes, how to do so, and how to display them in an impactful way for different audiences. It doesn't have to be a big leap to go from zero to tracking hero!

Join the CTD and partners discuss the pros and cons of the top virtual platforms, and how to choose the best one for your District needs.

Presented on: Thursday, July 23, 2020

Do you have to keep records of your work-related web meetings, text messages and calls? What about social media posts and comments? What happens when you use your personal phone to check work email or send texts? The CTD hosts Scott Sackett, Principal Records Consultant for the Washington State Archives, to discuss public records rules and retention for records created and received through virtual platforms. Join us for a great presentation and Q&A session with Scott!

Presented on Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Improve collaboration and transparency, manage projects in real-time and deploy new processes throughout your District. Learn how Districts are utilizing Smartsheet to efficiently run District operations, grant management, reporting and project tracking.

PowerPoint slides

For questions regarding this webinar, contact: Jessica Self, Palouse CD, JessicaS@palousecd.org

Presented on May 8, 2019


NOTE: Certification information is updated regularly. Please make sure you view the most currently available information.

Please join the CTD Certification Leads (Dairy, Farm, Riparian) to hear updates on the CTD Planner Certification requirements, new application portal, how to prepare your resume to apply, and updates to the NRCS Planner Designation/Certification process. Please join us to get all the information you need to start your path to certification and an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Presented: Tuesday, March 9, 2021

There are benefits to achieving an NRCS Planner Designation status (i.e., Apprentice, Certified), but the process can be confusing. This webinar goes over the advantages of achieving an NRCS Planner Designation status, how to load your training curriculum in AgLearn so that it tracks your progress, how to bypass training requirements with Proficiency Exams, where to find and use the certification Training Plan, and more. We hope this webinar unravels the kinks in the process, and/or gets you on an easy path to attain your NRCS Designation this coming year.

Copy of PowerPoint Slides

Presented on: Thursday, September 24, 2020

The CTD hosted a special webinar to help you better understand the three CTD Planner Certifications - Riparian, Farm, and Dairy - available, why you need to apply, and how to navigate the application process. The first deadline for applications is approaching, so now is the time to get clarity on the process and advocate support from your District.

Presented on Thu, Mar 5, 2020 from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (PST)

Webinar: New NRCS Planner Designation Status and Information (Held on March 28, 2018)

Webinar hosted by NRCS and CTD

CLICK HERE for the recorded webinar.  (Password: NRCS Planning 1)

CLICK HERE for presentation materials.

This webinar covered the new NRCS Planner Certification levels, qualification criteria, training opportunities, timelines, and provided a forum for Q&A by NRCS and the CTD. This webinar is for NRCS, Conservation District, and other planning partners interested learning more about the new criteria and what they need to do to get rolling.


Presenters: Haly Rylko, Snohomish CD and Curtis Hinman, Hinman and Associates

Presented on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, via Zoom.

 This webinar will discuss updates to the Rain Garden Handbook for Western Washington that will be released later this year. Ten years after the manual’s original release, the second edition has been updated to be an inviting and comprehensive resource for anyone interested in rain gardens from the novice gardener to landscaping professionals.

We'll cover how to apply this knowledge in approaching rain garden projects and provide examples of projects completed by the Snohomish Conservation District.

Presentation slide decks

Presenter: David Jackson, Snohomish CD

Snohomish Conservation District carried out a number of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) installations across the Bear and Little Bear watershed, and would like to share the lessons we learned from this project. GSI installations, including Rain Gardens or Bioswales, were installed to mitigate parking lot runoff and in partnership with local municipalities and other organizations.

Presented: Thursday, December 16, 2021

Presenters: David Jackson and Derek Hann, Snohomish CD

Many HOAs are responsible for the care and maintenance of stormwater detention facilities, but few know enough to do so properly and often turn to their municipality or Conservation District for help. This presentation covers the basics of stormwater detention pond care and maintenance, and provides a groundwork on how you can begin providing basic technical assistance and advice to homeowners, organizations, and municipalities. Learn how Snohomish CD created a new area of service and how your District may be able to do the same!

Presented: Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Presenters: David Jackson & Derek Hann, Snohomish Conservation District

For the past two years the Snohomish Conservation District has been working with fellow Conservation Districts in the Puget Sound region to build regional capacity for Green Stormwater Infrastructure. As the project draws to a close, we'd like to take the time to share the lessons learned and hopefully continue the impacts of this project.

This webinar was part of the CTD special Sharing Series webinars.

Presented: Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Clean Energy & Carbon Planning

Did you know? The USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) offers up to 50% reimbursement for solar energy and energy efficiency projects for farmers and rural businesses.


Join our webinar and discover:


How your clients can secure federal funding to reduce energy operating costs

The details of the REAP program, including eligibility and technical requirements

How you, as a conservation district, can be a valuable resource by connecting clients with our FREE technical and grant writing assistance

Presentation Materials:


Information Packet: English

Information Packet: Spanish 

Presented by: Nick Cusick, Pierce CD 

Presented: Tuesday May 14, 2024

COMET-Farm estimates the ‘carbon footprint’ for all or part of a farm/ranch operation and allows you to evaluate different options, for reducing GHG emissions and sequestering more carbon. This two part webinar training provides an introduction to the COMET-Farm (and COMET-Planner) tool and dives into the specifics of how to use the croplands and animal agriculture assessment pieces. COMET-Farm expert Halley Nagel discusses the modeling approach, basic introduction of agricultural emissions within the tool, and engage in a cropland and animal ag demonstration project to help you get started on carbon assessment of your own.

See the COMET - Farm YouTube Channel for more training videos.

COMET-Farm Tool

Presented by Haley Nagle, Outreach and Education Specialist for COMET-Farm Team

Presented: Tuesday, October 13 and 20, 2020

Clean Energy Rundown for your District and Clients

Pierce CD, Spark Northwest, and Snohomish CD are all part of the Rural Energy Development for Washington Program. They work through a USDA grant to provide free technical and grant writing assistance to farmers and rural small businesses to install energy efficiency, solar, and other renewable energy projects. 

Are you interested in carbon farm planning, and wondering what tools might be available to help in the planning process? The COMET-Farm and COMET-Planner tools have been developed by Colorado State University in conjunction with NRCS and the USDA Climate Change Program Office (CCPO) to provide conservation planning professionals and their client producers with the tools needed to assess the potential benefits of conservation practices. During this webinar training hosted by the CTD, research staff from Colorado State University provide an introduction to the COMET tools and how and when to use them.

Check out the tool and give it a try: http://comet-farm.com/

Presented on Thursday, April 30, 2020 from 9:00-10:00 AM

Partner Webinars 

Join Mid Columbia Fisheries' Riparian Program Director Katrina Strathmann as she shares lessons learned in riparian restoration. Originally Recorded in January of 2025.